Read about the scope of our lending appetite and how we structure loans

Read about the scope of our lending appetite and how we structure loans

Take a look at some of the articles and case studies we’ve published in the last couple of months.

The articles demonstrate the scope of our lending appetite, which includes care homes, Prime Central London residential, offices, warehouses, hotels, and pubs.

We have also included a list of individual case studies to provide examples of how we structure loans.

Articles and insights

Our highly flexible commercial lending proposition

Find out about the three flexible products in our commercial lending portfolio and how we have the flexibility to structure a deal and assist borrowers with complex requirements.

An innovative approach to care home financing

We are seeing an increasing number of enquiries for loans to fund the acquisition, or refinancing, of care homes.

Discover what’s driving that growth, and our lending philosophy in this market.

Our approach to Prime Central London residential lending

We have a lot of experience, and a strong appetite, when it comes to lending in this sector.

Our lending philosophy is based around two key criteria: the properties themselves, and the people who own them.

Flexible stabilisation loans

We are well known in the short-term finance space for supporting stabilisation transactions. You may have heard these referred to as “projection-led” loans.

Our versatility when it comes to complex borrowing arrangements

Complex lending scenarios can be challenging, but with expertise and innovation at the core of our business proposition, we can often lend on the most complicated deals.

We specialise in providing flexible lending to foreign nationals, offshore borrowers, and complex special purpose vehicles (SPVs) who may have struggled to access finance from other lenders.

Case studies

A 2-year loan secured against light industrial units for £2.9 million

Read about how we used the flexibility of our commercial bridging product to help an engineering business restructure its operations.

A 2-year loan for £3.1 million secured against 4 hotels

As part of our series of regular case study updates, we have provided an example of a recently completed two-year loan secured against four hotels in the UK.

A £7 million loan secured against 3 hotels

This is an example of a recently completed £7 million loan secured against three hotels in the UK.

Refinancing deal for a restaurant business based on projected income

Read about a recently completed loan of £635,000 secured against a restaurant and flats in Scotland.

Get in touch 

We’ve been lending for well over a decade and have built a reputation for providing loans to complex borrower structures.

If you’re working on commercial property transactions, prime residential bridging loans, or development exit facilities, please give us a call.

Contact our team today

Richard King

Richard King

Jamie Russell

Jamie Russell

Mel Howard

Mel Howard

Shane Donnelly

Shane Donnelly