David Foster: Head of Credit

David Foster
Head of Credit
David Foster has been promoted to Head of Credit with overall responsibility for credit strategy and recoveries. David will also continue to run certain key loan transactions for his key introducers.
You’ve recently been promoted to Head of Credit – tell us a bit more about what your new role will involve?
I will now have overall responsibility for credit strategy and recoveries. However, I will still run the occasional deal for key introducers I’ve worked with over the years and built good relationships with as they are the key to our business.
What will be the greatest challenge facing the bridging industry in the coming months?
Finding solutions for clients is a key part of what we do and with current inflationary pressures, I suspect more people will need innovative solutions from lenders in our market in the months to come.
We’ve always prided ourselves at Ortus in finding solutions to the most complex problems so hopefully, we can continue doing that!
What keeps you focused?
I really don’t like letting people down and I’m very much a doer so whether it’s getting money out the door or getting money back in, I’m always motivated to get it done.
How do you keep a team motivated?
I think people want to be valued and respected but also the team has to really believe in the overall goal and understand the ‘why’. I don’t think it’s enough to tell people what to do, they’ve got to come with you for the right reasons so they keep pursuing that goal even when there may be bumps in the road.
What famous person (dead or alive) would you most like to have dinner with?
It would have to be Sir Alex Ferguson being the Manchester United fan I am. That being said, it isn’t really about the football or the team I support. He’s been so relentlessly successful and held such high standards for a long period of time which is very difficult to do and I’d love to learn from that.